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NY HEAT ACT LOBBY DAY: Free Bus to Albany!


FREE Bus to Albany leaves at 8am

from the Palisades Mall Commuter Parking Lot J

We need ALL hands on deck for the last BIG push on the NY Heat Act!


Hop on the bus to fight for Climate Legislation in the budget. If it gets passed, the NY Heat Act will lower utility bills capping them to 6% of household income AND get rid of fossil fuel subsidies. We need a huge presence to line the halls of Albany to show that New Yorkers demand Climate Justice in this year’s budget. With your help we can get this done!!! Be a part of the change and help ALL New Yorkers.


Our friends at Food and Water Watch usually provide some goodies so we can all keep up our strength, but please remember to bring extra food & WATER for yourselves

(and a bit of tip money for the driver.)


click here to register. click on Nyack bus to save your seat!