Food and Water Watch Day of Lobbying in the NY State Capitol
Here is info on the NY Heat Act Lobby Day in Albany on January 23, 2024, with a sign up link for the bus - sponsored by Food and Water Watch and a one pager info sheet.
Bus pick-up/drop-off:
Bus leaves from Palisades Mall Lot J at 8:15am Stops at the Newburgh Rec Center at 9:00AM and should get to the LOB in Albany at around 10:30am. Bagels and check-in is from 11am- 12pm. 12pm is when the rally starts. More info here at the Sign up page: will leave Albany at 4:30pm. Dropping off and picking up should be from our usual spot across from the State Museum.
A good time was had by all at our previous rally this past year. Given Governor Hochul’s attention to pieces of the bill during her recent State of the State speech, we are hopeful to pass this bill this year! Having participated in Food and Water Watch campaigns, we know that pressure by the power of the people is VERY effective. We will be encouraging Assemblymember Ken Zebrowski - who has real power, to be a player in moving this bill forward in the Assembly. Rocklander’s need to show up and Food and Water Watch is helping to make that happen!
Please join with me, Food and Water Watch, NY Renews and many other organizations to win another campaign, that will benefit all New Yorkers and help to stop air, water and soil pollution that knows no borders.
The first of twenty questions:
Is using a bus full of people for transit more energy efficient than using cars? If you think you guessed right - sign up today and get on board! Once you have signed up, please shoot me an email to let me know. Remember to bring water, snacks if you need them and a few extra bucks if you have, to give a tip to our bus driver. Feel free to make a sign to bring although signs will be available when we arrive!
Jacqui Drechsler
Emily Skydel
Senior Organizer
C (914) 960-1136
Fight like you live here.